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TTG Media Limited. Place of registration: England and Wales. Company number 08723341. Registered address: 6th Floor, 2 London Wall Place, London EC2Y 5AU. You can now continuously translate someone speaking a different language in near real-time with the Translate app. For example, translate a classroom lecture or a speech. The Tap-to-Translate. Probably the most popular of any language service, Google Translate's web platform, iOS app and Android app are constantly innovating. Their typed translation feature supports 103 different languages, 52 of which continue to work offline (which is perfect for your off-the-grid travel plans). Download this app from Microsoft Store for Windows 10, Windows 10 Mobile, Windows 10 Team (Surface Hub), HoloLens. See screenshots, read the latest customer reviews, and compare ratings for Translator. TTGroup provides specialization to offer full, turn-key translation services, localization and engineering services and telephone interpreting services; our professional, expert teams provide clients with customized language solutions, focused on the unique requirements of each industry and global audience.

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.
These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.
aide au logement
soutien au logement
support de carter
support de logement


They may also claim income maintenance and housing support.
Elles peuvent également solliciter une garantie de ressources et une aide au logement.
In practice, reintegration programmes may offer vocational counselling, work placements and housing support.
En pratique, les programmes de réinsertion peuvent proposer une orientation professionnelle, des stages professionnels et une aide au logement.
The new plan will also step up housing support services and continue to mainstream responses to HIV/AIDS.
Ce nouveau plan permettra également d'augmenter les services de soutien au logement et de poursuivre l'intégration des solutions au VIH/sida.
The society hired an Aboriginal housing support worker to work with Aboriginal families and youth.
La société a embauché un travailleur de soutien au logement autochtone pour travailler avec les familles et les jeunes Autochtones.
un support de boîtier, une ligne d'alimentation en tension/courant
a floodlight has a housing and a housing support coupled to the housing
un projecteur qui comporte un boîtier et un support de boîtier relié audit boîtier
Objet: Nouveau régime d'aide au logement en Irlande
They stressed that any housing support system should be need-based.
Ils ont insisté sur le fait que tout système d'aide au logement devait être fonction des besoins.

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The housing support programme for poor ethnic minority households is implemented under the Decision 134/2004/QD-TTg and Decision 167/2008/QD-TTg.
Le programme d'aide au logement pour les ménages pauvres issus de minorités ethniques est mis en œuvre conformément aux décisions nos 134/2004/QD-TTg et 167/2008/QD-TTg.
Une aide au logement selon les besoins;
(1830) Finally, this demand for social housing support is an indicator of a larger economic problem.
(1830) Enfin, cette demande d'aide au logement social est l'indice d'un problème économique plus grand encore.
Hence, to devise a programme of policy direction with the aim of identifying the real needy households and thus, targeting the right population for housing support.
En conséquence, élaborer un ensemble de directives permettant de sélectionner les ménages vraiment dans le besoin et de cibler la population devant bénéficier d'une aide au logement.

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The Government had introduced a housing support policy for ethnic minorities and poor people living in needy areas; 500,000 households had taken advantage of it in 2010.
Le Gouvernement a lancé un programme d'aide au logement pour les pauvres et les membres des minorités ethniques vivant dans des zones défavorisées, dont 500000 ménages avaient bénéficié en 2010.
Personalized social assistance, particularly in the administrative field, general guidance and housing support;
Un accompagnement social individualisé, notamment en matière administrative et d'orientation générale ainsi que l'aide au logement
The question of whether there is a regional dimension to the shortfall and continuing need for housing support was not specifically addressed by this evaluation.
L'évaluation n'aborde pas directement la question à savoir s'il y avait un aspect régional à ce manque et au maintien de la nécessité d'une aide au logement.
The new law would provide for personal assistance services as a right, develop standards for day-care services and increase housing support services.
La nouvelle loi disposera que les services d'aide à la personne sont un droit, elle élaborera des normes pour services de garderie et elle portera augmentation des services d'aide au logement.
The petitioners contended that the performance of military service is irrelevant to the purpose of supplemental governmental housing support, which is to assist the socio-economically disadvantaged to find housing solutions.
Ils soutenaient que l'obligation militaire n'avait aucun rapport avec l'aide au logement des pouvoirs publics dont l'objectif est d'aider les personnes défavorisées sur le plan socioéconomique à trouver des solutions pour se loger.
The experts therefore saw the establishment of a transparent system of housing support for the most needy as one of the government's main responsibilities in the years to come.
Ils ont donc estimé que l'une des responsabilités premières des pouvoirs publics au cours des années à venir serait la création d'un système transparent d'aide au logement pour les plus nécessiteux.
In 2004, the implementation continued of two housing support programs aimed at households which can not financially participate in acquiring an apartment, or which are disadvantaged for health or other reasons.
En 2004, s'est poursuivie la mise en place de deux programmes d'aide au logement, destinés aux ménages incapables de participer financièrement à l'acquisition d'un appartement, en situation défavorisée, notamment en raison de leur santé.
The Government has already provided an opportunity for organisations serving the homeless in 2003 to provide housing support for people capable of living their own lives, thus increasing the number of people overcoming homelessness.
Le Gouvernement a offert en 2003 la possibilité aux organismes qui s'occupent des sans-abri de proposer une aide au logement pour les personnes capables d'assumer leur propre vie, et donc d'accroître le nombre de ceux qui pourront surmonter leur situation de sans logis.
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Each calibrator establishes a point of reference for the working
curve that is used to determine Chemiluminescent Unit (CU) values in the
[..] measurement of IgG anti-h-tTGantibodies in serum.
Ogni calibratore definisce un punto di riferimento per la curva di lavoro usata per
determinare i valori pressi in Unità di chemiluminescenza (CU) nella
[..] misurazione degli anticorpi anti-IgG anti-h-tTG nel siero.
[..] human antibodies toh-tTGin stabilizers and preservatives.
[..] contengono anticorpi umani a h-tTG in stabilizzatori e conservanti.
The presence of IgG anti-h-tTGantibodies, in conjunction [..]
with clinical findings and other laboratory tests, can aid in
the diagnosis of the gluten sensitive enteropathy celiac disease, particularly in patients with selective IgA deficiency.
[..] anticorpi IgG anti-h-tTG, in associazione ai riscontri [..]
clinici e ad altri test di laboratorio, può favorire
la diagnosi della malattia celiaca, un'enteropatia sensibile al glutine, specialmente in pazienti affetti da deficit selettivo di IgA.
isoluminol conjugate, which in turn is proportional to the amount
[..] of IgG anti-h-tTGantibodies bound to theh-tTGon the beads.
Le RLU sono proporzionali alla quantità di coniugato di isoluminolo
legato che a sua volta è proporzionale alla quantità di
[..] anticorpi IgA anti-h-tTG legati all'antigene h-tTG sulle sfere.
The QUANTA Flashh-tTGIgG Controls are intended for quality control purposes of the QUANTA Flashh-tTGIgG chemiluminescent immunoassay (CIA) kit run on [..]
I controlli QUANTA Flash h-tTG IgG sono concepiti per il controllo della qualità del test di chemiluminescenza (CIA) QUANTA Flash h-tTG IgG eseguito su uno strumento [..]
The clinical validation study included 199 normal blood
[..] [..] controls, 68 samples fromatTGworkshop (18 CD and [..]
50 non-CD controls), 23 additional CD
samples from the INOVA serum library and 7 known CD with selective IgA deficiency.
Lo studio di validazione clinica includeva 199 donatori di sangue normali, 71 controlli senza
[..] [..] da un workshop sulla tTG (18 controlli con CD [..]
e 50 esenti da CD), 23 campioni con CD
aggiuntivi tratti dalla libreria di sieri INOVA e 7 con CD nota e deficit selettivo di IgA.
Not all patients with celiac disease or dermatitis
[..] herpetiformis are positive for IgGh-tTGautoantibodies.
Non tutti i pazienti con malattia celiaca o dermatite erpetiforme
[..] sono positivi agli autoanticorpi anti-IgG h-tTG.
other receivables (Euro 9,601 thousand) include Euro 4,137 thousand in
[..] [..] equity investment inTTGS.p.A., Euro 1,472 thousand [..]
for advances to suppliers, Euro
253 thousand for receivables from personnel, Euro 415 thousand for receivables from social security institutions, and Euro 3,324 thousand for other various items.
gli altri crediti (euro 9.601 migliaia) si riferiscono per euro 4.137
[..] [..] della partecipazione TTG S.p.A., per euro 1.472 [..]
migliaia a anticipazioni erogate a
fornitori, per euro 253 migliaia a crediti verso il personale, per euro 415 migliaia a crediti verso enti previdenziali e per euro 3.324 migliaia a partite di diversa natura.
[..] lot of QUANTA Flashh-tTGIgG Controls for the [..]
first time, the lot, expiration, value (or dose), and
target SD information must be entered into the software.
[..] controlli QUANTA Flash h-tTG IgG Controls per la prima [..]
volta, inserire nel software il
lotto, la data di scadenza, il valore (o la dose) e la deviazione standard SD di destinazione.
[..] that the QUANTA Flashh-tTGIgG Controls (sold separately [..]
– part number 701107) be run after a reagent cartridge lot is calibrated.
[..] Controlli QUANTA Flash h-tTG IgG (venduti separatamente [..]
– codice 701107) dopo la calibrazione
The QUANTA Flashh-tTGIgG CIA utilizes a [..]
predefined lot specific Master Curve that is stored in the reagent cartridge barcode.
QUANTA Flash h-tTG IgG CIA utilizza una [..]
Curva master predefinita specifica per il lotto memorizzata nel codice a barre della cartuccia di reagente.
can largely be explained (Euro 1.6 million) by
[..] the deconsolidation ofTTGItalia, transferred at [..]
è spiegata in buona parte (euro 1,6 milioni) dal
[..] deconsolidamento della società TTG Italia, ceduta all'inizio [..]
a difference in the
[..] consolidation area following the transfer ofTTGItalia, as well as a difference in activities [..] [..]
of two publications of Gruppo Editoriale JCE.
Rispetto al medesimo periodo dell'anno precedente,
[..] [..] differenza di perimetro societario a seguito dell'avvenuta cessione di TTG Italia e una differenza [..]
di attività derivante
dalla vendita di due testate del Gruppo Editoriale JCE.
The new tests proposed by AXA Diagnostics use deamidated gliadin proteins as antigen; these proteins are more specific to be recognized by anti-gliadin antibodies
[..] [..] tissue transglutaminase(tTG)in the lamina propria [..]
of the intestinal mucosa, have a greater
binding affinity than native gliadin for antigen presenting cells (APC) HLA-DQ2 and HLA-DQ8 molecules; binding of deamidated gliadin proteins to APC is responsible of the autoimmune response.
I nuovi test proposti da AXA Diagnostics utilizzano come antigene peptidi della gliadina deamidati che risultano essere più specifici per il riconoscimento da parte degli anticorpi anti-gliadina in quanto
[..] [..] transglutaminasi tissutale (tTG) a livello della lamina [..]
propria della mucosa intestinale,
hanno un'affinità di legame maggiore, rispetto alla gliadina nativa, per le molecole HLA-DQ2 e HLA-DQ8 delle cellule presentanti l'antigene (APC); il legame tra i peptidi della gliadina deamidati e le APC è responsabile della risposta autoimmunitaria.
Hence, Mr Singh has drawn up a rich promotional programme, ranging from media and internet travel website advertising campaigns to
[..] [..] (Bit Milano, Bit Napoli,TtgRimini, Btc Firenze) and [..]
all those events connected with 'Incredible !
Singh ha messo in cantiere un intenso programma di promozione: dalle campagne pubblicitarie sui media e sui siti internet di viaggio alla
[..] [..] (Bit Milano, Bit Napoli, Ttg Rimini, Btc Firenze) e [..]
a tutti quegli eventi in cui 'Incredible !
On 8 June 2000, the Commission received notification of a proposed concentration pursuant to Article 4 of Council Regulation (EEC) No 4064/89 (1 ), as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 1310/97 (2), by which Preussag AG acquires within the meaning of Article 3(1)(b) of
[..] [..] Travel Group plc(TTG)by way of a [..]
public bid announced on 15 May 2000.
1. In data 8 giugno 2000 Ł pervenuta alla Commissione la notifica di un progetto di concentrazione in conformità all'articolo 4 del regolamento (CEE) n. 4064/89 del Consiglio (1 ), modificato da ultimo dal regolamento (CE) n. 1310/97 (2 ). Con tale operazione l'impresa Preussag AG acquisisce ai sensi dell'articolo 3,
paragrafo 1, lettera b), del suddetto regolamento il controllo dell'insieme dell'impresa
[..] Thomson Travel Group plc (TTG).
The QUANTA Flashh-tTGIgG assay utilizes a predefined [..]
lot specific Master Curve that is uploaded into the instrument through
Il test QUANTA Flash h-tTG IgG utilizza una curva [..]
master predefinita specifica per il lotto che viene caricata sullo strumento
utilizzando il codice a barre della cartuccia di reagente.
Revenues from the Professional Publishing area, in the amount of Euro 25,316
[..] [..] constant terms (excludingTTGItalia, which was transferred [..]
at the beginning of 2003, from
the consolidation area) of Euro 2,566 thousand (or 10.1%) compared to 2002, due both to the continuing difficulties of the advertising market, which is particularly relevant in the segment of professional and specialized publishing, and to the revision of JCE Group's publishing plan, which affected the company's results.
iricavi dell'Area Professional Publishing, di euro 25.316 migliaia, segnano una contrazione, in termini omogenei
[..] [..] consolidamento la società di TTG Italia, ceduta all'inizio [..]
del 2003), di euro 2.566 migliaia
pari al 10,1% in conseguenza sia delle persistenti difficoltà del mercato pubblicitario, particolarmente rilevanti nella nicchia dell'editoria professionale e specializzata, sia dalla revisione del piano editoriale del Gruppo JCE, che ha influito sui risultati della società.
[..] Materials for theh-tTGIgG Assay
[..] materiali QC per il test h-tTG IgG
TTGor Time To Go in hours and [..]
Il TTG o tempo necessario a [..]
raggiungere il WP viene calcolato con gli stessi criteri visti per l'ETA.
largely (Euro 5,313 thousand) from
[..] the deconsolidation ofTTGItalia and, in the amount [..]
of Euro 897 thousand, from the publications that were divested.
La riduzione dei ricavi deriva pertanto in buona parte
[..] dal deconsolidamento di TTG Italia stessa (euro 5.313 [..]
migliaia) e per 897 euro migliaia dalle testate cedute.
Organised byTTGItalia, part of the Rimini [..]
Fiera Group, in association with the Region of Tuscany and with the support
of Toscana Promozione e Firenze Fiera, Art&Tourism offers an innovative format which presents cultural and artistic offer from all over the world together with high level tourist offer: museums, galleries, archaeological sties, festivals, public and private bodies, cities and areas with a strong cultural heritage and tour operators.
Organizzato da TTG Italia, Rimini Fiera Gruppo, [..]
in collaborazione con Regione Toscana e con il supporto di Toscana Promozione
e Firenze Fiera, Art&Tourism si propone con un format innovativo che mette in scena l'offerta culturale ed artistica di tutto il mondo insieme ad un' offerta turistica di grande livello: musei, gallerie, siti archeologici, festival, organismi pubblici e privati, città e aree caratterizzate da un forte patrimonio culturale e tour operator.
The QUANTA Flashh-tTGIgG is a chemiluminescent immunoassay (CIA) for the semi-quantitative detection of IgG anti-human tissue transglutaminase (h-tTG)antibodies in human serum.
Il test QUANTA Flash h-tTG IgG è un test immunologico della chemiluminescenza (CIA) per la determinazione semiquantitativa di anticorpi IgG anti-transglutaminasi tissutale umana (h-tTG) nel siero umano.
When navigating towards a waypoint, both ETA (estimated time of arrival) andTTG(estimated time in hours and minutes to go) is displayed.
Quando si naviga verso un waypoint vengono visualizzati sia l'ora d'arrivo stimata (ETA) sia il tempo restante per raggiungere la meta espresso in ore e minuti.
The first time the reagent cartridge is to be used,
[..] [..] must be pierced, and theh-tTGcoated beads must be mixed [..]
with resuspension buffer.
Quando la cartuccia del reagente deve essere usata per la prima volta, occorre forare i sigilli di conservazione
[..] [..] e le sfere rivestite con h-tTG devono essere miscelate [..]
con il tampone di risospensione.
[..] adequately resuspend theh-tTGcoated beads may yield [..]
lower values than if the beads are properly resuspended.
[..] delle sfere rivestite con h-tTG può produrre valori [..]
inferiori rispetto a quelli che si sarebbero
ottenuti se le sfere fossero state adeguatamente risospese.
belonging to the Hearst Corporation (‘HMI', USA), and De Telegraaf
[..] [..] to the De Telegraaf group (TTG', the Netherlands) acquire within the meaning of Article 3(1)(b) of the Council Regulation joint control of the undertakingTTGHearst BV (‘JV', the Netherlands), [..]
by way of purchase
of shares in a newly created company constituting a joint venture.
appartenente al gruppo Hearst Corporation («HMI», Stati Uniti), e l'impresa De Telegraaf Tijdschriften
[..] [..] gruppo De Telegraaf («TTG», Olanda) acquisiscono ai sensi dell'articolo 3, paragrafo 1, lettera b), del suddetto regolamento il controllo in comune dell'impresa TTG Hearst BV («J, Olanda) [..]
mediante l'acquisto
di azioni in una società di nuova costituzione che si configura come impresa comune.

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